About Donald L. Jones
Don Jones served as secretary/treasurer of the Company since its inception and retired in December of 1999 as Director of the Center for Member Programs of the National League of Cities. The Scholarship commemorates Don Jones’s outstanding service over his career to NLC Mutual and to state league pooling. Each year NLC Mutual designates a certain amount of money to award to selected applicants who are involved in state league services or risk pooling within the membership. Both employees and their children may apply. There may be multiple recipients awarded a portion of the available funds.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for a scholarship award, applicants must:
- Be a full-time employee of a state municipal league or its sponsored pool in a state where the pool is a member of NLC Mutual (children of individuals so employed are also eligible) and that employment status must be maintained as a condition of disbursement of the scholarship funds;
- Be accepted to, or currently enrolled in, an accredited college or university;
- Be a student during the academic term for which the scholarship will be received; and,
- Be pursuing an academic course of study applicable to state league and/or risk pooling work, e.g. public administration, insurance, risk management, finance and accounting, information technology, loss control or industrial hygiene.
Board members and officers of NLC Mutual, executive directors of state municipal leagues, pool administrators and their children are not eligible.
Scholarship Award Criteria
Scholarship awards will be based on:
- The relevance of applicant’s educational and career goals to state league and/or risk pooling work.
- The applicant’s academic standing.
- The applicant’s financial need.
- Amounts available to individual recipients of Donald L. Jones Scholarship funds will be capped cumulatively at $5000 from NLC Mutual over their respective academic career.
Application Process
The application process for the 2025-2026 academic year is closed. Scholarship recipients will be notified by March 3, 2025. If you have any questions, please contact Jenny Wade.